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Not seeing well enough to enjoy that special family event ...

Driving with family and friends is a hazard, especially at night ... 

Your job may be at risk because you can't see well enough ...

Feeling depressed and disconnected because keratoconus is holding you back from living your life to the fullest ...

Poor quality of life caused by keratoconus.

Sound Familiar?

We can end all of that for you today.

With all the new, modern tools we have the dream of clear, comfortable vision in your life is finally a reality. New contact lens options for keratoconus such as soft semi-scleral lenses, hybrid and scleral lens technology can provide you an amazing visual experience and in most cases avoid surgery!
Call us to see how we can change your life today.
Synergeyes Hybrid Contact Lens in Bellmore, NY

                                                                                                                    Call 1 (833) FIX MY KC (349-6952)    
Call or email us today for a FREE, personalized

consultation and lens demonstration with Dr. Scheno!

HealthFirst/Fidelis Accepted






Our Famous KeratoCAD® Custom Scleral Lenses

Keratoconus Specialist in Bellmore, New York

NEW Soft Semi-Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus
Customized KeraSoft® and NovaKone® Soft Lenses


You read that correctly - The comfort of a soft lens with clearer vision than traditional contacts can offer. We are currently the only keratoconus specialist in Bellmore, New York, who is a certified KeraSoft® and NovaKone® location and can fit these amazing new soft semi-scleral lenses that are a great choice for any patient but especially newly diagnosed patients and those who have had a poor experience with hard lenses in the past and would like to try a soft lens experience again that gives vision very close to a rigid lens. They provide excellent comfort and amazingly good vision in the right patient.







Hybrid Contact Lens for Keratoconus
Soft Lens for Keratoconus
Soft Lenses for Keratoconus
Keratoconic Lens Options

We have the most cutting edge lens designs for the irregular cornea patient. In addition to keratoconus our lens designs can eliminate or greatly reduce the visual issues associated with conditions such as pellucid marginal degeneration, corneal transplant, after INTACS insertion, collagen crosslinking treatments, post-LASIK ectasia and many others. Our own KeratoCAD® or InvisaLens® software designs lenses just for your eye by measuring over 25900 points on the cornea. This creates a custom fit and comfort not available anywhere. Learn more.

Vision Made Affordable with Financing Options


We realize that good vision sometimes comes at a cost. That is why we offer many flexible financing options which make our unique treatments affordable for just about everyone. We participate with the CareCredit Health Financing Program and accept many different payment methods. In addition, we also participate with all major medical and vision plans for your convenience. Call our financing department for more information on what would be best for you.

Routine Eye Care


In addition to our first rate keratoconus/irregular cornea clinic, we also provide general eye care for the whole family. We treat all medical condtions of the eye such as dry eye, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and many others.  We also have an onsite eyewear dispensary with designer names such as Gucci, Coach, Nike, Michael Kors, BeBe and many others as well as the latest digital lens products. We also stock the latest in soft contact lens technology (including the latest multifocal contacts) so that every patients needs can be met quickly and conveniently. We have a style or product that will fit any need and any budget.

Check out our other KCLI videos on
Click the Care Credit link below or call us at 516.409.2020 for pricing information or to set up your interest free financing prior to your office visit. See just how affordable great vision can be!
Care Credit Application Tool
Dr. Christopher Scheno, KC Specialist
Contact Lens and Keratoconus Specialist
Dr. Christopher R. Scheno


Dr Christopher Scheno has dedicated his career to providing vision and medical services for the keratoconic and irregular cornea community for over 25 years. He and his team have developed a software program that creates a computer rendering (CAD design) of the corneal surface. This unique process enables a fit that cradles the cornea in fluid filled comfort.

Keratoconic and Normal Eyes That Need Contact Lens Services in Bellmore, NY
Come to the place where many other doctors send their patients and families.
Maxim Scleral Contact Lens
Lions Club Member
Custom Stable Scleral Contact Lens

** Se Habla Espanol **

A portion of all proceeds are donated to the National Keratoconus Foundation and other vision related charitable organizations.


@2022 by Christopher R. Scheno, O.D., P.L.L.C.

Privacy Policy

Visit Us:


2848 Bellmore Avenue

Suite 001

Bellmore, NY 11710-4330


Office Hours:

Tuesday 10am - 730pm

Thursday 10am to 5pm

Friday 10am to 5pm

Saturday - 10am - 3pm

Call or Email us and schedule a FREE Keratoconus Contact Lens, Collagen Crosslinking (CXL), KeratoCAD® or InvisaLens® consultation today!


Toll Free

1 (833) FIX MY KC

Call us:



Toll Free:


1 (833) FIX MY KC








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